Please find below all the important dates and deadlines regarding the Annual Conference in Prague July 2nd - 5th 2024.

8th     January 2024                     Abstract system, YSAS and Irene Manton submission opens

8th January 2024                     Promotional materials for conference available online

15th January 2024             Conference registration opens

8th March 2024                       Abstract submission deadline

8th March 2024                        YSAS (Young Scientist Awards) application deadline

8th March 2024                       Irene Manton poster prize submission deadline

15th March 2024                  Invited speaker abstract and registration deadline

22nd March 2024               YSAS extended abstract submission deadline

30th March 2024                Company of Biologists travel grant deadline

5th April 2024                          Authors notified of papers accepted for oral, pecha kucha or poster presentation and timing of their abstract

15th April 2024                     COB Grant decision deadline

15th  May 2024                     Early bird registration deadline

21st May 2024                         Irene Manton Poster PDF Submission Deadline (SEB)

31st May 2024                        SEB Conference grant deadline