President Medallist

President Medallist Awards   Sponsor  £1500.00

The SEB President’s Medals are awarded annually to young scientists of outstanding merit and four medals are awarded each year (Animal, Plant, Cell and EOD).

The President’s Medals are the most prestigious award at the SEB and is highly regarded in the scientific community. Each medal is awarded during the Medals and Prizes session at the meeting and it gives your company the opportunity to support and reward young scientists for their work in the field.

With around 200-250 scientists in attendance, it is a great opportunity for your company to show their support outstanding young scientists and their research. Your sponsorship will fund the travel and accommodation of the President’s Medallist.

Package includes:

  • Inclusive conference registrations with full access to networking and conference sessions (see below for details)
  • Insert in delegate back
  • Company logo and profile in conference book
  • Logo and hyperlink on conference website
  • Inclusion in SEB news and social media