Journal of Thermal Biology - Call for Papers: "Thermoregulatory and Metabolic Adaptations in a Changing World"
The Society for Experimental Biology invites our community to contribute to the special issue of the Journal of Thermal Biology intitled "Thermoregulatory and Metabolic Adaptations in a Changing World."
- Explore Evolutionary Ecology:
Delve into the evolutionary implications of thermal responses in diverse species. From cells to mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fishes, and insects, discover how life adapts to a dynamic world.
- Who Should Contribute?
Biologists, physiologists, ecologists, and evolutionary biologists passionate about understanding climate change adaptations, your work is welcome.
- Submission Deadline:
January 15th, 2024
Unveil the mysteries of thermoregulation and metabolic adaptations by sharing your research with the global community.
- Additional Infomation
In the context of ongoing and ever-increasing global change, it is of high importance to better understand the adaptive and non-adaptive adjustments of animals to environmental fluctuations. With this special issue, we aim to present the latest discoveries and findings in the field of thermoregulation and energy metabolism in relation of how species cope with environmental fluctuations. This issue will specifically cover the ecological evolutionary implications of thermal responses of species living in a seasonal world, and will aim to highlight the broad scope of thermal and metabolic adaptations of cells, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fishes and insects. All biologists, physiologists, ecologists, evolutionary biologists aiming at understanding the adaptive responses of animals to climate change are particularly welcome to submit their work. Further, this issue can be of interest for researchers developing approaches at the level of the whole organism as well as at the cellular and molecular scales.
Guest editors:
Dr. Sylvain Giroud - Habilitation in Animal Physiology & Assistant Professor, Northern Michigan University, MI, USA
Dr. Julia Nowack - Liverpool John Moore University, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Dr. Jérémy Terrien - Natural History National Museum, Brunoy, France.
Dr. Katie Marshall - Associate Professor, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
The journal’s submission platform (Editorial Manager®) is now available for receiving submissions to this Special Issue. Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript and select the article type of “Adaptations to a Changing World” when submitting your manuscript online. Both the Guide for Authors and the submission portal can be found on the Journal Homepage here: Journal of Thermal Biology | by Elsevier