03 Jun 2022

Meet Ana Colombo, our new OED officer!

The SEB is pleased to welcome Ana in her new OED officer role !

Ana Caroline Colombo BW.jpeg


"I’m currently the Outreach and Engagement Officer at the Society for Experimental Biology. My main role is to contribute to planning and delivering scientific education and outreach projects while promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion and supporting members with their career development. I hold a Master in Psychobiology and a PhD in Biochemistry.

During my research career I worked within different biology fields, from neuroscience and behaviour to fungal infection and extracellular vesicles. I also have experience working in educational settings, such as a museum and a botanical garden, and a charity.

I’m passionate about science and education, and I believe that through outreach and mentoring we can improve equality and diversity in STEM. In the past year, I have been developing my creative writing skills which resulted in a children’s book and a short story in an anthology that will be published this year.

I want to combine art and science and make it more accessible and engaging. I also have been working on open projects and developing my coding skills through website development and data analysis."


You can contat Ana here: [email protected]

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