14 Mar 2024

Book your place for the "Poster Design & Delivery for Researchers" workshop

Join us from 16 to 25 April 2024 for this practical two-part online workshop where you’ll learn how to design and present your poster.



poster session.jpg

In this practical two-part online workshop, you’ll learn how to design and present your poster in a way that is engaging and interesting for your audience.  To start with, you’ll learn how to think like your audience, so that you can design your poster with them in mind. Then you’ll learn the basics of graphic design, what makes a poster “pop”, the different approaches to getting attention in a digital world, and the tools you can use to design your poster. Finally, you’ll focus on delivery: how to attract readers, how to keep them interested, and how to give them something to think about when they walk away.  

It will involve lots of small group activities, and you’ll have many opportunities to try out your new skills, present elements of a poster, and give and receive feedback. By the end of this programme, you’ll be able to put your skills to work and design a poster that you can present with confidence. 

This workshop is divided into two parts, with each part happening on a different day.

  • Part 1: Poster design
  • Part 2: Delivery/ Presentation skills 

It will be held in two different schedules to cover different time zones. You will be able to choose your preferred option during the booking stage.

  •  Morning Sessions - 9:30 am to 1:00 pm (UK time) | 16 and 18 April
  • Afternoon Sessions - 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm (UK time) | 18 and 25 April


* This workshop is similar to the one of the same name from previous years. However, two new modules were included: 1. a module on social media and video abstracts, and 2. a discussion about AI to provoke some conversation and thinking.*

* Be aware! This workshop will be delivered by Zoom and won't be recorded.

We very much look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,
The SEB Team