29 Nov 2023

One week left to register for the FREE event: "Leaders of the Future" with Dr Erika Eliason

This talk will take place on Wednesday, 6 December, at 4 pm (UK time).

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Join us for the Leaders of the Future webinar series to celebrate past SEB awardees and their work.

A 30-minute webinar followed by a Questions-and-Answers (Q&A) session where our invited speaker will talk about their scientific journey, how and why the SEB award influenced their career and some research highlights demonstrating the impact on their study area. 

Our sixth speaker is Dr Erika Eliason, and her talk will take place on Wednesday, 6 December, at 4 pm (UK time).

This event is   FREE    for members and non-members so do not miss it:


Please check the Leaders of the Future page for more information about this webinar series.