08 Jan 2024

Meet our 2024 Plenary Lecture Winners

Each year at the Annual Conference of the SEB, the work of George Parker Bidder III and Harold Woolhouse are honoured with plenary lectures alongside the Cell Biology plenary lecture.

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Each year at the Annual Conference of the SEB, the work of George Parker Bidder III and Harold Woolhouse are honoured with plenary lectures alongside the Cell Biology plenary lecture.

Lecturers are nominated by the committees of their respective sections and are given by prominent scientists in their fields of research .

Plenary Lecture Winners   2024

Talk Date: Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Talk Time:  17:00-18:00


Talk Date:  Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Talk Time: 14:00-15:00





Talk Date: Thursday 4th July 2024

Talk Time: 13:30-14:30




List of previous Bidder Lectures


2023            Elizabeth L. Brainerd  (Brown University)

2022            Patricia Wright ( McMaster University )

2021            Patricia Schulte (University of British Columbia, Canada)

2020            Neil Metcalfe (University of Glasgow, Scotland)

2019            Terrie Williams (University of California Santa Cruz, USA)

2018           Hans-Otto. Pörtner (Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany)

2017          Steve Perry (University of Ottawa, Canada)

2016          Tribute to Roger Woledge (Nancy Curtin, Imperial College London, UK; Di Newham, King’s College London, UK; Chris Barclay, Griffith University, Australia)

2015            Andrew Cossins (University of Liverpool, UK)

2014          William Milsom (University of British Columbia, Canada)

2013          Ian Johnston (University of St Andrews, UK)

2012          Chris Wood (McMaster University, Canada)

2011         Jan Traas (INRA, CNRS and ENS, France)

2010         Ben Scheres (Utrecht University, Netherlands)

2009         Kim Nasmyth (University of Oxford, UK)

2008       Richard Balment (University of Manchester, UK)

2007       Alison Smith (John Innes Centre, UK)

2006       Keith Roberts (John Innes Centre, UK)

2005       Ted Taylor (University of Birmingham, UK)

2004    Julian Dow (University of Glasgow, UK)

2003      Dirk Inzé (Ghent University, Belgium)

2002     Greg Elgar (HGMP Resource Centre, UK)

2001      Steve Kay (The Scripps Research Institute, USA)

2000       David Randall (University of British Columbia, Canada)

1999       Harry Smith (University of Leicester, UK)



List of previous Woolhouse Lecturers


2023         Lisa Ainsworth (United States Department of Agriculture)

2022         Alison Smith 

2021        Joanne Chory (Salk Institute for Biological Studies, USA)

2020        Julia Bailey-Serres (Institute for Integrative Genome Biology, USA)

2019        Liam Dolan (University of Oxford, UK)

2018        Caroline Dean (John Innes Centre, UK)

2017       Jonathan Lynch (Pennsylvania State University, USA)

2016       Jane Langdale (University of Oxford, UK)

2015      Andrew Millar (University of Edinburgh, UK)

2014      George Coupland (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Germany)

2013      Susan McCouch (Cornell University, USA)

2012     Ottoline Leyser (Sainsbury Laboratory - Cambridge, UK)

2011     Richard Flavell (Ceres, USA)

2010     Don Grierson (University of Nottingham, UK)

2009     Hugh Dickinson (University of Oxford, UK)

2008      Stephen Long (University of Illinois, USA)

2007      David Baulcombe (Sainsbury Laboratory, UK)

2006      Richard Mithen (Institute of Food Research, UK)

2005      Russell Jones (University of California, USA)

2004      Anthony Trewavas (University of Edinburgh, UK)

2003     Dianna Bowles (University of York, UK)

2002      Linda Hanley-Bowdoin (North Carolina State University, USA)

2001     Chris Lamb (John Innes Centre, UK)

2000     Lothar Willmitzer (Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Germany)

1999      Mike Lord (University of Warwick, UK)



Cell Biology Lecture


2023        Wendy Bickmore (The University of Edinburgh)

2022         Dirk Inze    (VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology )

2021           Dirk Inzé (VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, Belgium)

2020        Iris Meier (The Ohio State University, USA)

2019       Nick Talbot (The Sainsbury Laboratory, UK)

2018     Malcolm Bennett (University of Nottingham, UK)

2017     Anthony Turner (Linköping University, Sweden) 

2016      James Collins (Harvard University, USA)

2015     John Oxford (Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, UK)

2014     Elliot Meyerowitz (California Institute of Technology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA)

2013      Béla Novák (University of Oxford, UK)

2012    Dennis Noble (University of Oxford, UK)