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Abstract Submission

Author Guidelines
- Abstracts can only be submitted via the button above.
- All submitting/lead authors need to have registered for the Annual Conference before the early bird registration deadline to secure your presentation in the programme.
- By submitting an abstract, you agree to your abstract to be published in a hard copy and online version of the conference abstract booklet. The online abstract booklet will be available for download on the SEB website.
Please note: The submitted abstracts are not published by the SEB or any affiliated journals.
Topics and Sessions
When submitting your abstract, you must select the most appropriate session/topic for your abstract from the Annual Conference sessions.
Abstract Formatting Guidelines
- Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words
- Abstract titles should be no longer than 20 words
- No tables or graphics can be submitted
- Abstracts must be prepared in English, using UK spelling and grammar
- Abstracts cannot advertise a commercial product
- Abstracts cannot contain a list of references or acknowledgements
- Abstracts should be formatted in upper and lower case. Please do not submit your abstract in upper case text only.
Lead Authors
All submitting/lead authors need to be registered for the Annual Conference by the early bird registration deadline on to secure their place within the programme.
When submitting your abstract, the lead author is automatically registered as the presenting author. If the presenting author is different from the first author, please indicate the name and e-mail address of the presenting author in the assigned text field in the submission form.
By submitting an abstract for the Annual Conference, you are indicating to the session organisers that you are committed to attending and presenting at the conference.
Associate Authors
When submitting your abstract, you are able to enter a complete list of associate authors. Affiliations should be included; however, you should only use institutional names and country (no full postal addresses).
Acceptance of Abstracts
Following the submission deadline on 13 March 2023, each abstract will be assessed by the session organisers. Submitting authors will then receive a notification within 2 weeks from the submission deadline confirming if your abstract has been accepted or declined and further information shortly after once the programme has been finalised. Only those accepted will be invited to present at the Annual Conference.
Contact Us
If you have any queries regarding abstract submission, please contact the SEB on [email protected].