25 Sep 2023

Only a few moments left to propose a session at the Annual Conference in Prague

Join us in Prague! SEB Annual Conference proposals must be made by 1 October 2023

From 2 – 5 July 2024, turn the heat up on your scientific experiences at SEB’s Annual Conference in Prague, Czech Republic at the Clarion Congress hotel.

Prague 2024 event logo.jpg

There are only a few days left for you to submit a session for the SEB Conference - Prague 2024.


The Animal Section would be delighted to receive satellite and session proposals for the main conference at Prague 2024. We welcome applications in the following areas but are happy to receive proposals in any area of the Animal Section Interest Groups.

  • Animal Biomechanics Group
  • Animal Ecophysiology Group
  • Animal Osmoregulation Group
  • Animal Respiration Group
  • Comparative Endocrinology Group
  • Conservation Physiology Group
  • Neurobiology Group
  • Thermobiology Group

Click here to find out more.


Currently, the Cell Section has special interest groups covering different areas of cell biology that you are welcome to join.  Our groups are currently:

  • Cellular Function
  • Cytoskeleton and Cytosolic Organisation Group
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Modelling and in silico biology
  • Nuclear and Chromatin Dynamics
  • Synthetic Biology and Industrial Biotechnology Group

Click here to find out more.


The Plant Section promotes the development and communication of research in plant biology.
Proposals for Plant Biology can be submitted openly.
Below is a list of plant Biology Interest Groups:

  • Interaction of Plants with other Organisms Group
  • Plant Transport Group
  • Abiotic Stress and Climate Change Group
  • Crop Molecular Genetics
  • Integrative Plant Biology Group
  • Photosynthesis and Metabolism Group
  • Plant Development Group
  • Plant Environmental Physiology Group
  • Plant Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology Group

Click here to find out more.


Outreach, Education and Diversity Biology Session Proposals: Proposals can be submitted openly.


The Animal, Plant and Cell Sections are interested to receive proposals for microbiome-related sessions to promote the latest microbiome research and contemporary techniques.
See full description of Animal Biology themes
See full description of Cell Biology themes 
See full description of Plant Biology themes 
See full description of OED Biology themes 


Please submit your proposals before Sunday 1 October 2023.

We hope you found this information useful and should you have any queries regarding submitting a proposal please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected].

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